Random 400W Power Supply - 20/24 Pin

Random 400W Power Supply - 20/24 Pin
Item# qvv
Regular price: $25.00
Sale price: $9.99
Availability: Usually ships the same business day.

Product Description

Perfect for building an entry level system, these power supplies are all "case pulls" meaning they were pulled from a brand new case that is sold without power supply. Each power supply is guaranteed brand new, unused, and to be at least 400 Watts. Normally selling for $20 to $40 each, you can now take advantage of our overstock situation by having them for a mere $9.99 each!

Max Power 400 Watts Motherboard
1 x 20/24-pin

  • Minimal Maximum Power: 400W
  • Form Factor: ATX
  • Mainboard Form Factor: 20/24-pin Connector
NOTE: You only receive one power supply…duh.