Bloodlust affects almost 100% of people with vampirism. 96% of beings who crave blood on a regular basis have been turned and the remaining four percent are human social deviants. It is important to know that there is no cure for Bloodlust, but with proper treatment, it can be managed..
Depending on how long ago you were turned, the symptoms of Bloodlust can range from manageable to seemingly uncontrollable. Mild symptoms can result in embarrassing situations such as being caught feeding off of your family’s pet, or worse your neighbor’s. Unchecked cravings may result in large-scale hunts with eventual staking, decapitation, forced sunlight exposure, or combinations of these. No matter how severe or mild your symptoms are, Bloodlust does not have to impact your overall health and well-being. Always keep in mind that many of the undead with Bloodlust lead active and productive “lives”.
Managing the Change
Bloodlust is a chronic condition, which means it is not always easy to live with. It is important to remember that you are not alone. Although the media will have you believe that Bloodlust only exists in Eastern Europe and California, global geographical distribution continues to spread with over 90 humans changed every day. It is normal to feel angry, guilty or depressed about your condition. However, dealing with these feelings in a positive way will help reduce the chances of a flare-up. It is important to seek the support of sympathetic humans or others with Bloodlust.
Just check out the testimonials from satisfied customers...
"Being undead doesn't mean you have to stop living." Joe, 74
"Now I can run with my personal trainer, instead of after her." Steve, 28
Blood Energy Potion is the world's first synthetic blood substitute. The fruit punch flavor packs 4 hours of energy along with iron, protein and electrolytes. Not only does it have a similar nutritional makeup to real blood, but it has the same color, look and consistency. The re-sealable transfusion style pouch provides the convenient delivery of fluids.
***Note: Contains no real blood. Sorry sickos.