WHAT IS IT?Func Anti Friction LIQUID is a water based, non-toxic, anti-friction treatment that has no wax or petroleum products in it. It is a silicon emulsion made with only top quality materials.
Unlike other waxes and treatments, LIQUID leaves no greasy residue. LIQUID is
designed for use with both Optical and ball mice. It works best on hard "fine
cell" gaming surfaces (such as the Surface1030 Competition Mousing Surface), but
has been found to provide benefits on hard desk pads, desktops and even some
brands of cloth pads.
Hard mousing surfaces have texture that help to reduce the drag between your
mouse feet and your mousing surface. LIQUID reduces friction even more by
creating a micro fine layer that is very slick. This micro layer helps to
protect your gaming hardware from wearing down too quickly, and can help restore
the life of worn-out gaming pads with just one coat. Once LIQUID is dry it won't
peel, crack, or chip. And unlike typical Teflon tape applications; there are no
uneven or creased areas to get in the way of smooth mouse operation.
WHY USE IT?Unless you play computer games or work in professional
applications that require fast, accurate, and precise movements, you might not
appreciate, at first, the need for LIQUID. However, we think that any computer
user can benefit from the reduced friction as LIQUID can help reduce hand
fatigue in any mouse intensive application, or even extended sessions of surfing
the net.
In fast paced gaming speed and accuracy is key. Most PC gamers already know the
difference between winning and losing can be attributed to a split second
difference in reaction time and accuracy, and we think LIQUID can give you an
edge. Gamers will be amazed at the ease and accuracy of movement with little
effort from the mouse. No more heightened awareness of the sluggish feeling of
moving on a surface that drags... just clean movement as smooth as a puck on
- Func Anti Friction LIQUID is a water based, non-toxic, anti-friction
treatment that has no wax or petroleum products in it. It is a silicon
emulsion made with only top quality materials.
- Func Anti Friction LIQUID is designed for use with all types of hard
surface mouse pads and mice, including optical and ball mice.
- Func Anti Friction LIQUID reduces `drag' by creating a micro fine anti
friction layer between your mouse and surface, and helps protect your hardware
from wearing out too quickly.
- Func Anti Friction LIQUID can help minimize hand fatigue in intensive
applications due to reduced effort in mouse movement.
Xoxide Zach says - Func Anti-Friction Liquid is the ace up any serious gamer’s sleeve! This stuff coats your mousepad in a micro-fine layer that reduces friction and lets your mouse glide smoothly. I even used it directly on my desk, and it still works great! |