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Product Review Guidelines
Get Free Gear for Reviewing Xoxide Products!
Listen up product reviewers! Are you a respected product review site of the PC Modding community? How would you like to get free stuff from Xoxide.com to review on your site?
The details are pretty simple. Purchase a product from Xoxide. Please let us know in advance that you intend to do a review of the product on your website. Do a complete review of the product listing Xoxide as the source of the product. Publish it to your site, magazine, etc, and send us a copy or the link to the site. If it meets the guidelines listed on this page, you will receive full site credit for your original purchase for up to $100.
So you think you have what it takes to review an Xoxide sold product? Check out the requirements below!
Review Requirements:
- Minimum Word Requirement: 900 Words
- Minimum Picture Requirement: 5 Pictures
- Required Links:
- One Link Directly to the Product on our Site
- One Link to the Product Category on our Site
- One Link to Xoxide.com
- One Link of Your Choice
- At Least One Link to Our Site per Page if the review is multiple pages
- Maximum 2 Products Per Month Per Site
- Credit Will Be Issued in 1-5 Business Days
Not too shabby, eh? Once published, simply send us a copy of the publication, or a link to the web address, and the circulation number or number of unique visitors your site receives a day. Presentation, size, popularity, and quality are all factors that will be taken into consideration before issuing a credit.
Contact Information:
- First and Last Name
- Order Number
- Reviewed Product
- Review Link or Copy of Publication
- Circulation or Unique Page Hits per Month
- Send all of the above to the address listed on the Info Page of our website, or click to email the information
There are of course a few rules that must be followed, so please make sure to look over the fine print at the bottom of the page before embarking on your endeavor! We know it's scary, but we can't be held responsible for frivolous work that does not result in a credit due to your lack of reading. So grab your keyboards and get to typing!
The Fine Print: Reviews will be accepted from known established computer review websites and magazines, at the discretion of Xoxide. We will not accept reviews from websites hosted on free servers, non-review sites, personal web sites, websites sponsored, promoting, or emblazoned by pornographic, obscene, questionable, or illegal content, or sites containing any content deemed inappropriate by Xoxide that would be detrimental to the Xoxide name. You website is required to have at least 10,000 unique visitors per month and must be relevant to the product being reviewed. Proof of this traffic is required.
Reviews must be published within 60 days of product purchase to be eligible for credit. Web site reviews must remain on site for minimal of 1 year from purchase date. Credit will be issued at our discretion for the cost of product, including shipping, for the amount up to, but never exceeding $100USD. Example: if you buy a product for $60 plus $5 shipping we'll credit you $65. If you buy a product for $95 plus $10 shipping we'll only credit you $100.
Multiple reviews of the same product by the same publisher will not be accepted. For example, a publisher that operates two websites and a magazine will only receive a credit for a review of a single product once, even if they publish a review of that product on both sites and the magazine. Once Published, Xoxide.com is free to use any part of the review on our site as long as proper credit is given. Xoxide reserves the right to refuse credit for any reason, and is free to cancel or modify this program at anytime.
If in doubt of whether or not your site qualifies for the review offer email us at with your site and statistics. We will let you know upfront if you qualify.