Home > *Sale & Clearance Items*
*Sale & Clearance Items*
That's right, we're busting out the dustpan, an extra large Hefty Cinch Sack, that tickly feather thing that French Maids use, and cleaning house on select Xoxide inventory. Below you'll find tons of rock bottom prices on some excellent PC products, from ultra-quiet power supplies to high-end computer cases. Some of this stuff we might be tripping over in the warehouse and just need to reduce some stock to avoid pesky worker's comp claims, other stuff might be discontinued, while other stuff we might just put on sale for the heck of it. You may even find a couple thumbscrews shaped like a Viking helmet. Who knew?
These products and prices won't last forever, so pick 'em up now before it's too late! Be sure to browse the site for hundreds of other sale items that we were just too lazy to feature here.
 Regular price: $69.95 Sale price: $29.95 |  Regular price: $114.99 Sale price: $69.99 |  Regular price: $89.95 Sale price: $27.95 |
 Regular price: $59.95 Sale price: $26.95 |  Regular price: $99.95 Sale price: $34.95 |